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Thoughts & Inspiration

Befriending the Teenagers..

Day three of the summer program with the children at Mashulaville is complete! The past few days we haven't really been able to get the older children to engage in much conversation with us. I can tell some of them want to, but my only guess is they are scared to because of the other teens. I spent some time praying last night and this morning about the older teens. I asked God to give me an opportunity to at least be able to start a conversation with one of them. This morning God answered that request! While the younger children were playing human bowling (it involves a rope swing and a ton of milk carts.. use your imagination, lol), an older girl named Misha (pronounced meesha) was standing nearby watching. I walked over to her, asked her what her name was and what grade she was in. She went on to tell me she wanted to go to school to become a nurse – same as me! I got a little bit more information out of her before we were interrupted by the squealing children. It was a start though! Tomorrow I hope to be able to continue our conversation. I was also able to chat for a tiny bit with one of the older boys named Jamar.

Please pray that God will soften Misha's heart (and Jamar's) and that I will be able to have a good conversation with both of them tomorrow. 🙂

Sarah T. 🙂