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the Team is here!

The team arrived in great spirits. Those that were here last year were anxious to see what was the same, and what had changed.  Those coming for the first time wanted to see what they had been hearing about for the last year.  They are all settled in and ready to get started Sunday morning. We'll be heading over to the Choctaw Christian Church.  This is the site where we'll be doing the evening VBS.  As we worship with them this morning, the team is sharing their musical gifting as they lead some songs.  After the service is over, we'll have some fellowship time with the church family.  Candi Nolt will be sharing with us their heart for ministry amongst the Choctaw people, and we'll pray for them, the Choctaws, the VBS and ask God for His plan.

One comment

  1. Great to hear they made it. Looking forward to hearing how their week is going!

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