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From Abuse to Baptism

Ever since my wife, Darian, and I adopted our girls in January 2019, things have been pretty tough for us. They’re Native American girls from the Choctaw reservation where we serve as pastors of Choctaw Christian Church. We’ve been trying…

A day of creativity

The group started their day by separating into three groups to go and carry out missions directed by the Lord. The first group went to a condemned house and worked on making the house more livable and spent most of…

Joyful Praise

Today was filled with unification, kindness, patience and camaraderie, starting the day off with sending out our groups with each a different mission to serve the Lord. One group headed to Crystal Ridge to understand and experience the lives of…

God and spiders

Sunday morning I attended Choctaw Christian Church and listened to Pastor Jordan tell everyone how when he was younger a friend stepped on a spider to squash it and when he did a million baby spiders came off it and…

life so far

You know this is the first time ever that i've done something like this so bear with me if I don't sound entirely like myself.  We're through the third day of the trip and each day is better than the…